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This extension lead allows you to plug up to six appliances into one socket, it is perfect for home use or in office. it is an invaluable solution for areas containing many devices, such as behind televisions, computers, gaming stations or even server rooms.
The 6-way extension lead is ideal for use around your home or office, it offers great quality with a white finish. You can hide this away under your desk or even mount this to your wall, counter or corner using the keyholes on the rear of the extension provided.
Its main use is to supply several power outlets from a single power source, the 6-way socket extension lead is a useful and adaptable electrical device. Its small size and sleek appearance make it simple to include into any setting.
While you are looking at tiding up your cable spaghetti why not take a look at our range of cable tidies, not only will they offer 4 to 6 socket extensions but will also include the tidy unit to hide all of your cables and wires. This will offer another level of safety to your set up, whether that be making your cables less accessible to curious pets or young children. For more details please click here.