Low Fire Hazard Zero Halogen Heat Shrink HZ-100 - 3.2mm I.D / 1.6mm I.D Black - Round/Blown Material
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SKU : HZ-100-3.2/1.6-0-ROUND-SP BLACK
Order in multiples of 1 mtrs to receive a continuous length, up to the next price break at 5 mtrs
For example, 4 x 1 mtrs will be delivered as a continuous 4 mtr length
Size 3.2mm I/D shrinking down to 1.6mm I/D. Zero-Halogen heat shrinkable, flexible tubing with low toxicity index for fire safety applications.
HZ-100 is a flexible thin-walled heat-shrinkable tubing. It contains no added halogens, exhibits excellent fire safety characteristics combined with low evolution of acid gases, whilst retaining good mechanical and fluid-resistant properties.