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Steinel Part No: 074210 ABS Welding Rods for securely welding ABS plastics at a working temperature of approx. 350 °C.
Welding rod is 4mm diameter.
For professional hot air guns HG 2120 E, HG 2220 E, HG 2320 E, HG 2420 E, HG 2520 E and HG 2620 E, HG 2000 E, HG 2300 E and HG 2310 LCD, as well as hot air guns HL 2020 E and HL 1920 E, HL 2010 E and HL 1910 E.
A high performance product with low moisture absorption, ABS is a suitable plastic for use in precision and electrical industries.
Comes in 100g pack with Welding Rods 32.5cm High x 6cm Wide.