Roundit 2000 NX HT 13mm, High Temperature wrap-around sleeving in Olive Green

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SKU : ROUND-IT-2000-NX-HT-13.0-5-SP
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£15.99 £15.99

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ROUNDIT 2000 NX HT maintenance of wire and cable bundles, with excellent cut-through and abrasion resistance at +260C.

  • Excellent cut-through and abrasion resistance
  • Halogen free
  • Self-wrapping design
  • Easy installation
  • Ideal for reworking components without disconnecting them
  • Lightweight construction

ROUNDIT 2000 NX HT is a self-wrapping sleeve manufactured from PEEK monofila­ments and Nomex multifilament. It includes a water repellent treatment in order to prevent the absorption of condensation build-up caused by the extreme changes aircrafts are subjected to. Designed for mechanical protection and maintenance of wire and cable bundles, its 100% covering ratio provides excellent cut-through and abrasion resistance. The self-wrapping design allows for quick and easy installation and removal of the product for assembly and maintenance. Roundit® 2000 NX HT also accommodates break cuts.


Temp: -60°C to +260°C, high mechanical protection, high temperature, oil and water repellent, halogen free.


The self-wrapping design allows for quick and easy installation and removal of the product for assembly and maintenance. ROUNDIT 2000 NX HT also accommodates break cuts. The high temperature version is differentiated from the standard ROUNDIT 2000 NX by a wide ivory tracer on the outer side.