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White Thermal Transfer Printer Ribbons - Various Sizes
Premium White Thermal Transfer Printer Ribbon (wax/Resin) for use on our thermal transfer printers, suitable for various printer models. Our Thermal ribbons guarantee accurate and detailed prints on smooth surfaces.
Designed specifically for use on heat shrink tubing!
Suitable for thermal transfer printers that take 25mm ribbon cores
The formula of premium ribbons is based on wax and resin. they are applied at medium printing energy. Premium ribbons guarantee accurate and detailed prints on smooth surfaces and are suitable for plastic labels and Flat Printable Heat Shrink Tubing.
Resin Ribbons:
Resin Ribbons have been designed for smooth plastic surfaces and accurate printing results with high durability and are applied at high printing energy. They are particularly abrasion resistant, scratch-resistant and also resistant against gasoline, alcohol and some solvents.
Our Ribbons are Compatible with a wide range of Thermal Transfer Printers.