Keeping Pace With The High Speed 2

Keeping Pace With The High Speed 2
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Keeping Pace With The High Speed 2

The face of the UK's rail network is constantly changing. Over the years Hilltop have been favoured as suppliers of numerous transportation requirements, including London's Crossrail and the Great Western Electrification Project.

It is with pride that we can now add one of the UK's largest construction projects in recent decades to this list, the High Speed 2!

The HS2’s younger brother, HS1, has already completed the feat of installing a new 220mph train line from London to the UK end of the Channel Tunnel, seeing vastly improved travel times. The HS2 seeks to do the same across a much longer distance, joining London to Birmingham, East Midlands, Leeds and Manchester. Yet further expansions are hoped for future projects, which will link the High Speed rails further upland towards Scotland!

From our experience with other high-budget, cross-county national builds such as this, we know that keeping a project of this scale on time and within budget requires an unfathomable amount of planning and care. It's because of this that speed and efficiency is the key in dealing with any requirements that come through from these high-profile customers. Thankfully, Hilltop are no stranger to such demanding enquiries. So when the HS2 team came to our website looking for a reusable, simple-to-use method of cable bundling we ensured a quick turnaround, having the items picked, packed, and on their way to the customer the very same day as we received the order.

Disagreements in proposed plans have meant that a start-date for construction is yet to be issued, but is expected to be later in 2017. Because of this uncertainty, it's only fair that the people behind this work expect speed, efficiency, and reliability in their suppliers. We always strive to meet these expectations for all our customers, big or small.

From our experience with other high-budget, cross-county national builds such as this, we know that keeping a project of this scale on time and within budget requires an unfathomable amount of planning and care. It's because of this that speed and efficiency is the key in dealing with any requirements that come through from these high-profile customers. Thankfully, Hilltop are no stranger to such demanding enquiries. So when the HS2 team came to our website looking for a reusable, simple-to-use method of cable bundling we ensured a quick turnaround, having the items picked, packed, and on their way to the customer the very same day as we received the order.

Disagreements in proposed plans have meant that a start-date for construction is yet to be issued, but is expected to be later in 2017. Because of this uncertainty, it's only fair that the people behind this work expect speed, efficiency, and reliability in their suppliers. We always strive to meet these expectations for all our customers, big or small.

Despite the delays, work behind-the-scenes continues in preparation for the commencing of this huge scale railway project. As always, Hilltop will be ready to assist and look forward to applying our accrued knowledge of transportation and engineering requirements to help the new HS2 move smoothly along too!