Sales & Customer Service Improvement Program
Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:00 GMT
Sales & Customer Service - Our priority
Hilltop Products Ltd have introduced a Sales & Customer service improvement program. During the course of the last 12 months there have been numerous changes and improvements to our sales processes and procedures in conjunction with bespoke sales & customer service training. We strive to maintain a high level of services to meet our customers needs and in doing so we ensure we have up to date systems and a customer focused telesales team.
Mesh Associates in conjunction with the Manufacturing Advisor Service (MAS) have assisted Hilltop with the implementation of a new Customer Relations program (CRM). This would be for recording customers history, including emails, telephone calls, quotes, documents and much more. The CRM program is the main tool for our telesales and has all features possible integrated into the one system to assist with their duties. The Implementation of this system, combined with in-house training now enables us to be more responsive and proactive to our customers needs.
MAS Institute were mainly involved with the merge of our planning/order processing team and the Sales dept. This took place earlier this year and has proven to work a lot more efficiently within our processes.
By joining the two together each individual telesales are able to track and monitor a quote right through to when it is ordered & delivered. This gives higher level of customer service to our customers.
Other areas MAS have been involved in, is Material Control. We have introduced KPI’s for stock accuracy and the introduction of perpetual inventory. These are monitored and actions are done once per month. Most recently the other department MAS have been working with is our Quality department. We have now completed some training and we have been given a full diagnostic day where we have actions to implement a more stream lined quality area.